We BookMyList.com have a team of highly skilled professionals and experts working 24*7 to collect, validate and update all our list using sophisticated technology solutions. All the mailing lists and leads in our database are maintained by following all legal laws including CAN-SPAM_Act_of_2003v. All the mailing lists on our website have been collected from the users legally from various sources like trade expos, subscriptions, surveys, phone calls, trade shows and events.

How BookYourList.com provide the best quality email list and sales leads?

All the list BookYourList have is collected and created by following strict process and guidelines. Core Steps we follow are here

  • Data Collection: In this stage, we will collect data from users legally using multiple data sources like trade expos, subscriptions, surveys, phone calls, trade shows and events. We also use published and open data sources for further optimising our database.
  • Data Legality Check: In this Stage, we thoroughly check the legality of the data and make sure that data will meet all legal compliances.
  • Data Pre Processing: In this stage will use our own sophisticated toolchains to filter out invalid or wrong data sets.
  • Data Analysis and refining: In Data Analysis Stage we use AI-based toolchains to analyze the data. Our AI algorithms are self-learning and running continuously to provide the best quality data.
  • List Building: Our Tools themselves will categorize the data and will create multiple lists and the same get added to our product catalogue
  • Data update and Optimization: All our lists are undergoing constant iterations and updates.